Nerubian Pheromone Secreter - World of Warcraft The War Within - Warcraft Tavern (2024)

The Nerubian Pheromone Secreter is a customizable trinket that can be acquired from the kingdom of Azj-Kahet, requiring you to complete a list of tasks before you can get your hands on it! The trinket has a very potent On-Equip effect, empowering you with a substantial amount of your Primary stat for 20 seconds. In addition, the Nerubian Pheromone Secreter can be further customized to enhance other stats such as Haste, Versatility, Mastery, and Critical Strike.


  • Progress through The War Within campaign until you reach the Azj-Kahet storyline.
  • Complete the Azj-Kahet storyline and fully unlock The Severed Threads faction and the City of Threads.
  • Reach (Renown 6) with The Severed Threads faction.
  • Acquire enough Kej to be able to purchase the trinket

The first steps required to be able to purchase the trinket are not necessarily hard, as you will simply have to complete The War Within Campaign. Since The War Within has shorter initial campaigns and is much more focused on local stories, you can easily beeline through the quests.

Similar to one of the factions of Dragonflight, The Severed Threads requires you to increase your reputation with 3 different leaders: The General, The Vizier, and The Weaver. Increasing your reputation with one of the leaders will result in earning 1 additional Renown with The Severed Threads faction. This can be achieved by completing World Quests, Local Stories, and killing Rare Mobs in Azj-Kahet.

For a more detailed and complete guide on how to acquire Renown with The Severed Threads, you should check out our Severed Threads Renown Guide!

Once you reach Renown 6, you will have to head over to the Weaver’s Lair and talk to Y’tekhi, the Renown Quartermaster.

Once you locate Y’tehki and talk to her, you will be able to buy the Nerubian Pheromone Secreter in exchange for 450 Kej!

If you haven’t managed to collect enough Kej while doing the main Azj-Kahet storyline, there are multiple ways to acquire it. One of the easiest ways to acquire Kej is by opening the hidden treasures of Azj-Kahet, such as Trapped Troves and Nest Eggs, which contain Kej among other goodies such as Cavedweller’s Delight potions! The other ways involve killing specific Nerubian Npcs and completing quests in Azj-Kahet.

It is important to keep in mind that the Nerubian Pheromone Secreter requires you to increase your reputation with The General, The Vizier, and The Weaver to proc the trinket. The Nerubian Pheromone Secreter initially starts at 0 pheromones that it can secrete, going up to 3 pheromones that can proc on the ground. You will need to pick up the pheromones that are dropped on the ground to gain the Primary Stat buff, with the pheromones spawning in a triangle shape around you. Since the pheromones are hard to notice, it is advised to use a “WeakAura” addon to notify you when the trinket procs!

Nerubian Pheromone Secreter Customization

Now that you have your Nerubian Pheromone Secreter, you may be wondering how the trinket can be customized, after all, Y’tehki doesn’t sell any specific gems, and none of the NPCs from the Weaver’s Lair seem to do so either. You will have to venture into the City of Threads and sneak past the guards in order to talk to some NPCs. Luckily for you, the Azj-Kahet Pheromones unlocked by completing the Azj-Kahet storyline still function, allowing you to stroll the City of Threads.

NOTE: Flying is permitted in the City of Threads, making it quite easy to evade the guards!

Gems (Fragrances) & Vendors

The Nerubian Pheromone Secreter has 4 different gems named “Fragrances” that may be socketed into it, and all of them can be acquired from specific vendors in the City of Threads. You may buy all 4 different gems but you will only be able to have 1 type of gem either socketed or in your inventory at a time! You may have up to 2 different gems socketed at a time.

List of Gems (Fragrances) and Vendors:

Venom Dahn Location

Tej The Undying Location

Assistant Ulo’vix Location

“Eight-Shaker” Sallow Location

Each Gem (Fragrance) costs 150 Kej! Once you acquire the desired gem combination best suited for your Class/Specialization, all you have to do is Shift-Click the Nerubian Pheromone Secreter and add the gems.

Nerubian Pheromone Secreter - World of Warcraft The War Within - Warcraft Tavern (2024)
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