Read I Am God! IAG Chapter 576 MTL English: : The Awakening of Asai and Xiao and the Eternal Kingdom (2024)

[I am God! 】【】

The country of yellow sand.

This country was the first to build a fire element steam train. Because it is the closest to the Endless Sand Sea and is inextricably linked with the Moyuan King City of the Demon Clan, it has gained a lot of convenience for development and has gradually risen.

At the same time, it is also famous all over the world for its expertise in refining glass products.

Now on the giant island of Ruhe, it can be regarded as a relatively advanced country in terms of national strength.

"Kucha...Kucha...Kucha..." The wheels kept turning.


A train speeds through the territory of the kingdom of yellow sand, passing through many cities, the more desolate it is as it goes forward, and the goal is near the city of Demon Abyss in the depths of the endless sand sea.

Because Demon Abyss King City is always on the move, its final stop location is different every time, and this train is therefore called the endless special train.

It means that this is a train that does not know where the end is, and it also has the meaning of endless sand sea.

At this moment, in a separate carriage on the endless special train.

Matafuss was lying on the table, holding a common quill in the Land of Light, dipped in a very special magic potion, and wrote something on the paper made of potion plant tan.

So wasteful, or rather prudent.

It was because this book was so important to her that Matafus wanted to make it into a supernatural item and keep it for a long time.

The content of the book has long been engraved in Matafus's mind, and all she has to do now is to write it down.

While writing, she sometimes reads what she has written lightly in her mouth.

"According to the past memories of the ancient times, that is, the gods of the first era, all wisdom comes from the wise **** king of the ancient times, and from the legendary supreme crown."

"The blood of the wisdom of the **** king flows from the body of every wisdom seed."

"Blood is wisdom, blood is power, blood is everything."

"The divine blood on our body endows us with the foundation of existence, the ability to operate our consciousness and spirit, and makes us different from all other dead things."

"Not even the sun in the sky shines brighter than our wisdom."

"However, the divine blood in us is not perfect yet."

"How can a person who flows with divine blood be bound by lifespan and death? The end of wisdom should not be bound by time."

When immersed in the world inside the book and swimming in the illusory world, Matafus seems to be a completely different person.

She no longer flinched, and her eyes were so confident that they seemed to be able to shine.

Just like Silver said.

Ordinary people, how could they think like Matafus.

It was a dream that even the gods dare not dream, something that even the gods dare not think about.

"All kinds of wisdom are pursuing the path of the God King of Wisdom and the Supreme, and exploring the true eternal and perfect way."

"After two epochs, the intelligent species has found the way of mythology and the way of the kingdom of God."

"That's how myths come into the world, and why mortals are eternal."


"It's only one step away from the last eternity."

After writing this, Matafus dipped in ink.

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[I am God! 】【】

Then, write vigorously on paper.

"With the help of the gods, I finally proved the perfection of the intelligent species."

"In that perfect kingdom of God, in that ball of eternity, even mortals can lead to eternal life."

"The true god, the true **** of wisdom, can lead his servants to the other side and the end of time."

"This is the ultimate form of wisdom."

"It is also the final answer that my lord, the witch doctor **** I believe in, is looking for."

On a moving train.

Matafus wrote from day to night, and finally wrote down everything in her mind.

Outside the window, I don't know when it has changed from a bright golden afternoon to a starry night.

She stopped writing.

Carefully glued the two thick stacks of paper together, and then covered the prepared bookcase on top.

Matafus picked up one of the books, only to see a few words glowing on the cover.

"Wisdom is a kind of perfectionism!"

Matafus used her own experiment to prove that the intelligent species has flaws, and also perfected her own theory.

It can be said that this book is the log of Matafus's path and experiments.

This is just a theoretical level.

But the other one is completely different.

Raising her other hand, Matafus saw that the book was much thinner, but what was written on it was.

"Eternal Kingdom".

This is a book that Matafuss finally wrote under the guidance of the God of Witch Doctor after she obtained the inspiration from the Creator and obtained the fundamental secrets of spirituality, wisdom, desire, and memory from multiple gods.

This is not something that one person can do.

It is the wisdom species that has gone through two eras of painstaking pursuit, explored by countless sages, and passed on from one **** to another.

what eventually came together.

What is recorded in this book is the way to finally establish the kingdom of the true **** when the path from the demigod to the master of the gods, and the master of the gods comes to an end.

When the book was successfully written, Matafus happily lifted the book among the moving train carriages.

"Finally finished writing, it can be presented to the gods."

And suddenly, strange whispers sounded in her ears.

Matafus was a little strange. She looked around, but she didn't know where the voice was coming from; and when she listened carefully, she couldn't hear what the other party was saying.

And not for a while.

The whispering turned into a voice like a mountain roar and a tsunami, and she finally heard the other party's words clearly.

"Perfect intelligent species..."

"The Path of the True God."

"The Kingdom of God that connects the Moon of God and the Crown of Wisdom."

"The end of all wisdom species..."


Among them, there are also some words that Matafus can't understand. It is an ancient language that is indescribable.

Matafus raised her head, her gaze seemed to penetrate the scene, and she saw a strange sea of ​​stars.

Every star in the sea of ​​stars seemed to be able to speak, and they were all staring at Matafus, the mortal who had found the final answer.

Matafus vaguely understood what she saw.

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[I am God! 】【】

And next.

Something even more shocking happened.

A huge moon rose at the end of the desert. The moon was so big that it covered half of the sky in the distance, and its brilliance filled the entire desert.

Standing on the train, Matafus exclaimed like all the passengers on the train at the moment.

"God's Moon!"

Others only know that this moon is called the Moon of God, but they don't know what it really represents, but Matafus knows its true appearance, which is the root of all wisdom species.

And every time the Moon of the Gods appears, it means that something important has happened in the world.

Either because the Creator appeared in this world, or because someone made a vow of wisdom.

But at this moment, it appeared for Matafus.

In other words, it appeared because of the "Eternal Kingdom" in Matafusi's hand.

the other side,

Above the endless sea of ​​sand.

In the Creator Temple on the pyramid, the old priests guarding the temple, and today's demon gods are also looking at the God Moon that suddenly appeared.

"God's Moon!"

"Why did you show up this time?"

God's Moon has appeared many times before, but this time it is so close to the endless sand sea, which is unprecedented.

Even the desert giant who turned into a boundless sea of ​​sand.

At this moment, he was also shivering under the moonlight, restraining all his strength.

Looking at the huge silver moon outside the window, Matafus felt a little overwhelmed.

"God's Moon."

"You...wouldn't have appeared because of me!"

She seemed to have guessed something, but couldn't believe it.

The God's Moon covers everything, and the whole world is watching it.

The light is so bright, but the brighter it is, the more people dare not look directly at it, and it is difficult to see clearly.

But someone took this opportunity to appear in the present world and sneaked into that endless train.

On the train, a man in a windbreaker was holding a strange oil lamp, a cigarette in his finger, and a sleepy look on his face.


The oil lamp was lit by an invisible force, and the wick ignited.

And the drowsy man was immediately engulfed by charred black and sparks, as if he was the burning wick.

The man woke up suddenly, looked around and exclaimed.

" am I here?"

He looked at himself, only to find the scorched black and sparks spreading rapidly on his body, and instantly shouted in horror.


"The King of Rage..."

"Help me~"

The **** of the wrathful king was instantly burnt to nothing, and the voice he wanted to convey was not conveyed at all.

But the light from the oil lamp did not bring light, but made the dark shadows continue to spread.

The terrible darkness spreads wildly.

From the bottom of the train track, it kept heading towards the carriage where Matafus was, and completely swallowed it in the blink of an eye.

In the carriage, Matafus suddenly felt something, she turned her head and shouted loudly.

"who is it?"

However, when he turned his head, he found that there was a black passage behind him that continued to spread into the distance.

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[I am God! 】【】

There is a long table in the darkness, and a lonely figure is sitting in front of the long table.

His face was looming in the darkness, and he couldn't see it clearly.

Matafus didn't know the other person, so she retreated to the window in a panic, looking nervously at the person in the darkness.

"Who are you and what do you want to do?"

The man had one hand on the table, pressing a book on it.

It reads "The Wisdom Crown Pledge and the Second Way to the True God".

In the darkness, the man spoke.

"You have found the answer, the Moon of God appeared because of you."

"I have also found the answer, and when the answer appears, the era will come to an end."

"At least, the horn of the end has sounded."

"Because that is the ending that the Creator God wants to see."

The god, who is called the most evil in the world, uses a flat voice like a voice-over on stage, and tells things that make people feel extremely heavy from the perspective of a third person.

"This world is like a book. When it turns to the last page, everything should end."

The end of the last era was because Stoun found the answer to wisdom, and at the same time Xiao also just found the answer to becoming a god.

Matafus immediately understood that this should be an existence left over from the ancient times.

Even, it may be a certain god.

She responded, "What do you mean?"

Her response was as if a gap had been opened in her heart.

Seeing the evil **** in front of the table wave his hand, Matafus sat at the other end of the table.

At this time, Matafus also saw the other party's face clearly.

It was a face that made people feel ordinary, not because it was ugly, but because mortals seemed to see nothing in this face.

anything that belongs to a person.

Looking at the face is like looking at a mask, looking at a stone.

Matafus could not see the slightest bit of warmth in those eyes.

It's as if all the emotions that everyone should have have been stripped away, leaving only the indifference of superiority.

"You found the answer, but opened the chapter of the end of the era."

"Do you think it's a good thing or a bad thing that you found the answer?"

Matafus looked blank, not understanding what the other party was talking about.

The evil **** in front of the table did not insist on asking Matafus to give the answer. He knew that Matafus could not give the answer now, so he changed his words and looked at the two books in Matafus' hands.

"Your perfection theory is very good."

"You seem to be looking forward to creating a perfect world that everyone yearns for."

Matafus nodded: "I am very yearning for the heroes in the book, those who can do great things, so I also hope to do something that can be remembered by others."

Longing for a hero?

The man in front of the desk seemed to be unable to recall something, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously moved.

A long time ago, there was a guy who said something similar.

It was a young man from the land of Anjo who was born down and down, his brain was oppressed by a malignant tumor, one eye was blurred, and he could only walk lamely with a cane.

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[I am God! 】【】

After being silent for a while, Matafus finally couldn't help asking: "What do you mean by those words you just said?"

"If you find the answer, the era will end."

"When the era ends, what will happen?"

Xiao didn't lie to Matafus either, and told her directly: "The Creator has seen the end of the story, and He will choose to leave."

Matafus couldn't help asking: "What will happen when the Creator leaves?"

"What happened in the first era, and why did those gods in the ancient era have to sleep and abandon their own civilization to cross the era?"

Matafus knows a lot of secrets, and the more she knows, the more doubts she will have.

For example, the gods of the first era and how their civilization perished.

She also asked about those ancient beings.

But these questions, she did not get the answer.

Xiao replied calmly: "The Creator spans time, and everyone wants to follow the Creator's footsteps and leave together."

"So finally."

"The Creator has left us, and we have left others."

"A group of people who are looking for immortality successively used means to cross the era, while all the ordinary and untalented people went to decay and extinction amidst mourning and despair."

"This is the First Era."

Matafus stood up and looked at the guy in front of her in disbelief.

She didn't believe what the gloomy guy in front of her said, but based on some of the things she knew and ancient secrets, her intuition told her that what he said might be true.

Of course, it is also possible that the truth is interpreted from the perspective of the other party.

At least, that's what the guy in front of him thought.

"Is it all over just because the Creator left?"

Matafus couldn't help but said, "The **** is the sun!"

The guy in front of the long table continued slowly.

"The Creator didn't really leave, He just got bored and wanted to leave for a while."

"It's just for a while, it may be a little long."

"To us."

Matafus knew this for a while, she said silently.

"Two hundred and fifty million years."

The other party tapped his fingers on the table, his eyes seemed to be recalling.

"But those of us who want to follow His footsteps to eternity, naturally have to discard some things that we can't bring, and they are destined to disappear in time."

"Civilization could have existed for a longer time, and it is not hopeless for everyone to go further."

"It's just, who wants to bring those burdens?"

"The existence of the intelligent species is destined to be biased and selfish since its birth. No one will love everyone."

After listening to Matafus, she always felt that the guy in front of her was really uncomfortable and hopeless.

It seems that in his eyes, everyone in this world is like a machine that is completely controlled and driven by desires. All the beauty is appearance, and the ugliness is the essence.

Matafus didn't like this statement, she thought carefully about what the other party said.

Finally said.

"So, in fact, there is no end of the era at all, and the departure of the Creator does not mean the end of the world."

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[I am God! 】【】

"He still left a lot of things to this world, and everyone can still live well."

"As long as everyone still works hard to develop civilization together and coexist, civilization can still move forward, and everything will still develop in a good direction."

As for what Matafus said, the existence at the long table did not refute or affirm after hearing it.

He just brought his words back to his previous question.

"So, you think it's a good thing that you've found the answer and may usher in the end of the era?"

"At least we can turn this into a good thing," Matafuss said.

"I think this era may be different."

The man said, "The only lesson man learns from history is that he learns nothing from history."

"Because, this is human nature."

"As it was in the first era, so it is in the second era."

"You have found the answer to the theory of perfection of the wisdom species. Will everyone in this world become the perfect wisdom species in your mouth?"


"Only a small percentage of people will be, and others will be."

The man raised his jaw slightly and said in a cold and ruthless tone.

"They will all be discarded and forgotten in the years."

Matafus didn't like this statement very much, but she didn't know how to refute it.

"So, you are the one you said abandoned others?"

The man at the table denied Matafus's statement, but only in part.

"No, I'm the one who wasn't qualified to board the boat that crossed the era."

"It's an unfair world."

"Some people are born with everything, and some people are born with nothing."

"But geniuses have the bright ways of geniuses, and fools have the despicable methods of fools."

Matafus understood that the person in front of him must have used some very despicable or even extremely bad means to finally cross the era.

The man spread out one hand, turned his face sideways and shook his head.

"If you are born with everything, you can choose light."

"Who would choose to wade through muddy water in the dirty mud?"

Matafus couldn't help but ask the man across the table: "Who are you?"

The man didn't answer, but just looked down at the book he was pressing.

"So be it!"

The bright moonlight outside gradually began to dissipate.

The long table at the end of the darkness also gradually moved away, gradually disappearing into the darkness.

Matafus looked at the other end of the carriage and appeared in front of her eyes.

And as the light of God's Moon receded, the eyes of many gods re-projected on Matafus.

In a rainy world of endless darkness.

The man on the long table lowered his head and looked at his hand.

The man accepted the hand that was holding it, and saw that there were two more books on top of the original books.

"Perfection of the Wisdom Seed" and "The Eternal Kingdom".

Obviously, it is a reprint of the two books by Matafus.

When Matafus wrote "On the Perfection of Wisdom" and "Eternal Kingdom".

On the Evil Peninsula.

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[I am God! 】【】

Inside the kingdom of knowledge floating among the clouds and mist, the gate of truth suddenly burst into light.

Some small cracks that were still remaining on it healed in the blink of an eye, and the tightly closed door suddenly pushed open.

In the entire country, all the ghosts and spirit bodies all rushed to the door of truth.

And Polik, the agent of the kingdom of knowledge, and Sukob, the **** of knowledge, rushed directly to the inside of the gate of truth.


In the sea of ​​information inside, I saw a figure with a cane.

The other party looked at the sea of ​​information, and seemed to see something from the huge amount of information that was constantly gathering from all corners of the world.

"here we go."

"The final contest."

The figure is not tall, but its temperament gives people an invisible sense of oppression.

Sukob and Polik stepped forward and saluted the figure.

"A Sai God!"

Asai, the **** of truth and knowledge, turned his head and looked at the two of them.

He seemed to have woken up a long time ago, but he never came out of the door of truth, let alone showed any signs of waking up.

But at this moment, he finally chose to take action.

Asai looked at Su Kebu and said to him.

"Go to see the witch doctor gods, they are the servants of the Creator, they will replace the supreme to convey the oracle and guide the world."

"They will guide us on the path to God's Moon and eternity."

Without saying anything, Su Kebu directly followed the will of Asai, the **** of truth and knowledge, and left the Kingdom of God, throwing his consciousness and power into the world.

Next, the God of Truth and Knowledge looked at his most loyal followers.

"Xiao is already awake."

"He hid for so long, and finally set his target on Matafus, the Favored One of the God of Witch Doctors, and got what he wanted from her in advance."

"What he can't get by relying on spiritual authority, he wants to get it in another way."

Although Polik basically did not go out of the Kingdom of God, he knew the situation outside very well.

"The kingdom of the sky, condense the fruits, chase the moon, and finally build a perfect kingdom of God, reaching the true eternity."

God Asai at the side leaned on a cane and turned around.

"This time, I slept for a long time."

"I have also thought about it for a long time, where is Xiao's weakness."

"He has too many backhands. You never know where he left the means to revive himself. He is careful not to leave any loopholes for others."

"He would never put himself in a dangerous situation. He didn't care about anything. He would do anything to keep himself alive."

"Even if you betray the teacher, even if you fall into the abyss, even if you bow your knees."

Polik nodded: "Using conventional methods, it is very difficult to kill Xiao."

A Saishen: "Unless, he shows his flaws."

Polik: "How to make him show his flaws."

Asai God: "When he has what he wants."

"He searched for countless years, abandoning everything, even humanity and self-seeking."

Now, what Xiao wanted has appeared.

In this world, most opportunities have one and only one time, and if you can't grasp it, it will never happen again.

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[I am God! 】【】

Polik: "So God, you have been waiting, patiently waiting for Xiao to show his flaws."

A Saishen: "Xiao is more patient. He can bear it until he grows old, rebel at the last moment, and regard his teacher as the price for his impact on eternal life."

"He can kneel at the feet of the evil god, just to get what he wants."

"He turned his servant into a puppet for 250 million years, and finally resurrected him in this era."

"Such a guy."

"Patience alone is of no use."

Polik: "Whether to unite the blood goddess Vivien and her sister Anli, this is also a very powerful force."

A Sai shook his head: "People like them who carry too many burdens will never be able to be pure."

"The pursuit of knowledge cannot be pure, reason cannot be pure, and revenge cannot be pure."

"And I'm different."

"I have nothing, and the things I care about are gone."

Finally, Asai looked at Polik.

"I want you to do something."

Ghost Polik and Asay looked at each other.

I wanted to say something, but in the end I didn't say it.

He is a follower of Asai, no matter what choice Asai makes or what he wants to do, he will choose to walk with him to the end.

Asai watched Polik leave, and turned his eyes to the sea of ​​information.

In the ocean, sections of pictures kept passing before his eyes.

He saw in a dilapidated and leaky house a clover woman was lying on a hospital bed, covered with a quilt and hugging a blind and lame young man in an extremely weak state.

At the last moment of her life, she was not thinking about herself, but comforting her proud son.


"do not be afraid."

"If you're scared, just cover your eyes!"

"You can't see anything, so you won't be afraid."

Mother reached out, touched Asai's face, and covered his eyes.

"do not be afraid…"

"Cover your won't be afraid of anything."

"Nothing can hurt us.",

As soon as the screen turned, it became another perspective.

A clover man doctor kneeling on the ground watched a tall clover man write an experimental observation record with a pen, and said coldly while looking at the tragic story in the picture.

"Desires and emotions begin to synchronize, and the personality of the reincarnated person begins to emerge in the new body."

After he finished recording the experiment log, he held up a bead and said to the evil god.

"O Supreme God of Knowledge."

"The first scene is over, are you satisfied?"

The twisted face of the evil **** was reflected in the glass bead, as well as its insolent laugh.

A smile appeared on Xiao's face, and he said to the evil god.


"The story is not over yet."

Asai looked at the three-leaf man holding the beads and smiling at the corner of his mouth.

For a moment, he tightly grasped the cane in his hand.


"The story is not over yet."

(end of this chapter)

Read I Am God! IAG Chapter 576 MTL English: : The Awakening of Asai and Xiao and the Eternal Kingdom (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.