Top Posts Tagged with #ok and now i'm done infodumping :-) thank u for reading if u did | Tumlook (2024)

ok I wanna say dmc for the glub sh*tto ask game bc I love the way you talk about it sm even tho idk anything of it

if u already got dmc or don't feel up to it I guess jojo is my alternative to u^^

ahh, Luna thank you! <3 😁 i'm on desktop rn so i cannaur send my beloved blue hug emoji, but know i would put it here if i could! also apologies for the late reply- i'm trying to rebuild my mom's desk! 😄 my rambling aside- ouuuuugh Thee dmc!!!! I shall try to give some context for the characters as I answer, hopefully it sheds some more light on them.. if not, thank you for reading my rambles despite not knowing them!! :') i appreciate it 🥺💙

P.S.: I just finished writing this and dear GOD it is LONG!! D: i started writing and then I blacked out, and when I came to i was looking at like 3.5 paragraphs of hate towards DmC Vergil 😨😨😨💧 the spirit of the infodump possessed me...... I put this all under a readmore- if you don't want to get hit with a genuine wall of text, please take care not to open it... i don't even want to think about how long it'd take to scroll through it on mobile 😳💀💀💀💀💀

prompt ( i prommy i won't go off the rails like i did w this one! 🙈)

blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most):

is it any question... Vergil, man of all time 😔🆘🆘 if you listen to bury the light on 24hr repeat for like 2 months straight, you contract vergil blorbo disease </3 but so! vergil! speedrun lore, vergil is the son of ✨ Sparda ✨, a demon who split the human and demon worlds in two after a Very Long Time of demons hunting humans for sport 😳;;. Vergil's also the twin brother of Dante, the series' leading protagonist! ^^ anyhow, at some point after the two were born, Sparda disappears and from what I can tell, they're just raised by their human mom, Eva? In any case, since the two have The Blood of Sparda™, the demons that slip through into the human world want them Dead. Thus, when they're like 8 or 9, the demons descend upon their house and light it aflame, killing Eva and presumably Dante in the process. Vergil's the only survivor, and girl............... we need not discuss the psychological impact of this 😳🆘 After this, Vergil adopts this ideology that power is the most important thing, and his pursuit of power sends him on a very tragic path. 😔 to make a long story short, he basically shows up in the 3rd game because he's trying to open the gate between the human + demon worlds, which he succeeds at in spite Dante's efforts to stop him. Immediately after getting to hell he gets curbstomped by the king of hell </3, stripped of his will, and turned into the guy's little demon minion for like a decade. :( He then shows up in the 1st game as a Mysterious Enemy that you fight a few times on your journey to stop the aforementioned king of hell, and it's only towards the very end that it's revealed the really cool very strong mysterious guy is in fact... YOUR BROTHER :( But what can ye do except curbstomp his ass, since he's still in the throes of the king of hell 😔 So curbstomp him you do, and he basically gets mario washing machine'd to god knows where, where he takes Continual Losses. at this point, he's come back into his own consciousness and psyche, and he's like 😐😡 but also he's dying 🥺 Despite this, he is haunted by the many losses he's been dealt at his brother's hand and resolves to do one final thing before he dies: Kill Dante ⚔ ...... unable to do this in his current dying form, he goes back to his childhood home and uses his f*cked up demon sword to split himself into two- the human and the demon. The plot of the fifth game all stems from his human side realizing What the f*ck He's Done, not just right now but in general, and he's like ohhhh dear.. girlies we gotta fix this 😳;;

hmm what else about vergil... oh yes he has a book of William Blake's poetry that he got shortly before everything went to hell as a child, and he like.. carved?? drew?? his initial into it because, despite vergil being the Evil Twin in the games, dante was THEE evil twin when they were younger... dante the instigator the brawler the manipulator.. tbh i'm obsessed with it. Anyhow, despite all the madness and mania he goes through throughout his life, he's somehow kept that book the entire time and his human side is Always Cryptically Quoting It :')

so. yes that is blorbo,,, the parasite that haunts my brain so...

scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped):

Nero!!!! :D nero is vergil's mystery son, and the protagonist of the fourth game! 😁😁 He grew up as an orphan on an isolated island called Fortuna, where they actually worship Sparda in a cult-like manner 😳 Before I go off the deep end, I just must quickly say.. nero literally is SO SHAPED. DMC4 came out in like 2008/9 and my sister and I are in agreement that if I'd played as Nero as a kid, i would be a trans guy today. it is uncontested.. his design is SO f*cking gender

but so nero! In canon nobody knows where the f*ck Nero came from, much less that he has any connection to Sparda. he was raised in an orphanage before being taken in by the super cool parents of Credo and Kyrie (who took him in because he has the ✨ Same Silver Hair as Sparda ✨😮 but.. it's fine @w@;;). At some point they die, and so then it's just Nero, Credo, and Kyrie- the three must be incredibly tight because Nero looks up to Credo and joined the Order of the Sword, which is Fortuna's like.. demon-hunting church military/police kind of organization?? you know how it goes 😀😀😀;; Anyhow, Nero joins them because of his deep respect for Credo. And then Kyrie.. they end up dating which cannaur lie makes me uncomfortable given their upbringing but we pretend we do not see it 😳

set-up aside! Nero's game is basically about how The Pope™ wants to lure out Dante in an attempt to absorb him into the core of like.. a marble Sparda-shaped evangelion basically 🙈 Nero is really just a henchman following Credo's orders until it is revealed that he too, somehow, has demonic power... then things begin to shift, and the pope and co. are basically luring Nero into the belly of the beast by kidnapping Kyrie, so on and so forth 🤪🥴 They succeed in this and Nero's unwillingly drawn in as the aformentioned Sparda eva's power source, so the game then switches to Dante POV and you have to take it down! It finishes out with Dante beating the sh*t out of it but not really being able to stop it, so then you have to take it, and the Pope, down from the inside as Nero......... it's a whole thing 🙈

anyhow.. nero is truly scrunkly man, like the above description to a T. DMC4 was very rushed and suffered many things, but they still managed to put a ton of work into Nero's animation and expressions. he does a lot of small things with his face in the cutscenes that are 🥺🌋🌋 That, combined with the f*cking insane voice acting of Johnny Young Bosch, makes Nero a really 🥺🤲🏼 *holds him* character for me <3

scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave):

literally banging on my chest like a gorilla because CREDO, MAN..... i say vergil is the man of all time, but credo is like.. the MAN of ALL TIME 🥺🥺🥺 In the overall scope of the franchise, Credo is a Minor character- he only shows up in one game, you only fight him once, etc etc. but dude holy f*ck credo lives in my MIND.... let me explain his white man sauce...

so, as I loosely explained above, Credo is the older brother of Kyrie and their parents took in Nero when he was young before they died under mysterious circ*mstances. WELL... the circ*mstances are not so mysterious to credo.. I mentioned before that Credo was in the Order of the Sword- expanding on this, he was also in some type of high position at a young-ish age? Which means he was privy to the truth behind his parents' death, which is that they participated in a ritual to imbue them with the power of demons and f*cking died :(

this is classified information, so Credo never gets to tell his little sister the truth of what happened to their parents. so not only is he dealing with this truth, but Also. without his parents, he has to raise Kyrie (and nero????) all on his own 🥺 he does a stellar job with this because Kyrie is basically widely regarded as a f*cking saint- for me this would be impressive on its own, but! He also manages to be such a f*cking chad that everyone is Fortuna loves him- this combined with his insane fighting skills nets him the position of supreme general of the order, which imo is the second-in-command after the pope

Knowing the plot of the fourth game, this is incredibly heeeeehee 😳😨😱 Credo enacts the pope's will because he believes in the false vision of the future that the pope's been spouting forever, yk how it is with cults... However, he throws all that aside when he learns the pope has gone behind his back and pulled Kyrie, who is his sister but Also a Civilian 😡, into everything... in the end, his defense of Kyrie costs him his f*cking life and it's 🥺🥴🥺🥺🥺🥺😔😐🥺😭😭😭😭 why!!!! </3

oh my f*cking god I forgot to mention that. while he's still under the pope's will he has the SICKEST boss fight as a demon (bc surprise he undergoes the same ritual that his parents did, and he survived!!! there isn't enough time or space in 4's narrative to dwell on this, but I Dwell On It 👁👁🥺)

so yes in conclusion... credo 🥴😍🥰🥰🥰❣❣❣

glup sh*tto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week):

Lucia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 lucia my f*cking beloved aouuuuuugh!!!!!!!! Luna I know I've rambled so much but you are about to HEAR IT.. i cannot think of lucia or i will go insane!

SO. Lucia. Lucia is the second protagonist of the ill-fated Devil May Cry 2. the original DMC was directed by Hideki Kamiya, mr. bayonetta himself, and I'm not sure if the next part happened because his + the team's work on the original DMC was super promising pre-release or because DMC was met with such acclaim after its release, BUT. development on the second game began incredibly quickly, some people say before the original even shipped. In any case, Kamiya had no idea it existed until the original DMC was being localized into English. this is the second game's point of inception, right?

Development was. challenged. like super super f*cking challenged. Accordingly, despite months (?) of development, the only concrete thing the team had was the animation for one attack. Capcom was disappointed in this and removed the sequel's original director, who has never been named and in my opinion is in witness protection. 😀;;; Then, they brought Hideaki Itsuno on as the director and basically gave him 4-5 months to make a game out of nothing. I think this is incredibly f*cked up and they should have delayed the game, but some people say that Capcom needed to use/cash in on an expiring contract with the brand Diesel and that's why there was no expanded dev time.

SO. i don’t know how, but Itsuno somehow makes the game. Given the circ*mstances, it is rough and nobody really likes it and it is widely regarded as the Genuine black sheep of the franchise- 4 was rushed and had some issues but that is all a speck of dust compared to how troubled 2 was. :( Outside of some side material, the contents of 2 have yet to see the light of day.

this is why Lucia is the obscure fave </3 It breaks my heart because Lucia is such a good character. In short, she's basically an artificial demon created alongside many others by this CEO kind of guy in his pursuit of power etc etc. Unlike the other artificial demons, she's defective (I think because she had her own sense of will?) and so, she's basically thrown out to the trash. She gets taken in by this elderly woman who's basically the last demon hunter on this one island, Vie de Marli. The woman raises Lucia to carry on the torch, and Lucia is a very very human character as a result of this. (although, i think in being raised like this, she's also brought up to disregard her own life in the service of her people? it's been a while since i played 2 so i don't really remember, but I'll come back to this in a moment)

Anyhow, the plot of 2 basically follows Dante, who was called to the island by the aforementioned old lady, on his quest to thwart the CEO’s attempts to open the gates of Hell through this ritual, or something like that... To do so, the CEO has to collect these artifacts, and while Dante is the main one working against this guy, Lucia is in the background trying to collect the artifacts before the CEO can so that he can't do the ritual. As she's doing this, the CEO guy confronts her and is like "ohhh it's you! :o you're no devil hunter lol you're a literal devil! i made you!! and it's only a matter of time until your programming faults and you begin killing the humans you've been trying so hard to protect hehe >:3c"

This like. really f*cks up Lucia and she has a whole existential crisis shutdown about it while Dante is fighting the guy. I don’t remember it well, but I think the guy succeeds in opening that portal to Hell + unleashes a f*cked up demon that Dante has to go after. In any case, Lucia stops him and is like "You'll be stuck there and the world needs you but I'm expendable so let me do it" or something like that, which... 🥺🥺 I'm describing it very loosely here bc I have terrible memory but frfr that was such a heartbreaking moment and Also the precise moment I was like ok. i will kill and die for lucia okokok <3

I forget what Dante says to her but it's some lifechanging sh*t and she's like oh!!! 😮 i have self-worth now!! So she steps aside and lets him go into the portal. While he's gone, this f*cked up version of the CEO guy returns and is Berating Her Yet Again :( but this time, she's able to stand on her own to fight (and beat 😚) this guy proper.

Her character arc roughly ends there, which is. the worst because she has SO much potential. Lucia is someone who was raised as a human, raised to love her fellow humans. I feel like you could really do something with the revelation that she's Not a Human, and even moreso!! there's tension and suspense from the line where she was told that some day, she'll break and turn on her fellow man!! like what!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺

but alas. That's basically the last we ever see of Lucia and I'm not sure how likely it is we'll ever see her again. :( She got a little section in the expository book for DMC5, but no mention in the actual game itself... if/when she does, know that i will be ripping my shirt off and banging my chest like a f*cking gorilla!!!!!!! she's my girl!! 🥺🥺

ummm also very very quick honorable mention here for the Lady in Red, who is an NPC given a few seconds of screentime during the opening cutscene for Vergil's game mode in DMC4. She's just a random Fortunan with her face hidden beneath a hood, but she's the only one that notices Vergil walking through the crowd. It's implied and widely believed that she's Nero's mom, but she's never given importance beyond those few seconds in the cutscene so 🤪🤪🤪 Anyhow, the Lady in Red gets honorable mention here because the very existence of Nero drove me insane. I couldn't wrap my mind around Dante, part of Kiryu's swag virgin club, or Vergil, who imo is too laser-focused on power to have time for relations of any kind, having a kid. more than that, I couldn't imagine what kind of woman would be able to fall in step with them long enough to have a kid??? And then I spoiled myself on Who Nero's Father Is, and felt even more insane because your honor i truly cannot see vergil ever taking interest in someone In That Way. so the thought fermented in my mind, who WAS this woman??? what did she do to catch his attention??? and the more i thought about this, as a Joke, the more it began to seriously haunt me. Before I knew it, I'd gone and pulled a sergio again, making a whole ass character to bridge the gaps and expand on the spaces left in between the narrative 🤪😳;

anyhow. that's gioia. the lady in red gets to stay here despite gioia because i f*cking lose it over any breadcrumbs we get about her. XD there first time I watched my sister play through DMC5, before I was familiar w the ins and outs of the franchise + didn't realize Nero was an orphan, there's a part where he phones home after learning Vergil's his dad + I was ready to pop bottles bc I thought he was calling his mom.................... naur... 🙈🙈🙈 in the same way as Lucia, I doubt we’ll see much, if anything, about Thee lady in red </3

poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave):

So, you recall how during Vergil's section I mentioned he split himself in two, right? well, the human part of him is named V and holy sh*t holy f*cking sh*t is this guy a poor little meow meow. holy sh*t. not in the evil sense, he is just Going Through It </3 The thing with Vergil splitting himself into two is that like,, all of his essence, his strength ig? went into his demonic side. V inherited Vergil's conscience and memory in the divorce, and that's It. V himself is kind of odd in that he's the human portion of vergil, but he's not.. human? per se? Not a concrete human anyways, so he's running off a very limited reserve of juice to keep himself going in the regular sense, but also in an existential sense. And the further the game goes on, the less he has to work with. 🥺🥺

V is also the meow meow of all time because he really is so f*cking human oh my god. :') He reads Vergil's book of poetry and knows it so intimately that he can casually whip out lines to comment on the situations he finds himself in. Vergil's clothes go into the void of existence with him when he splits himself, so iirc V fr just walks around naked until he mugs a guy and takes his clothes- rings and belts and necklaces and fun strappy sandals included. He's hesitant to eat a burger because he doesn't want to deal with how messy it is, but then he just. eats a demon raw. (and then he eats it cooked on like skewers BUT. this is only AFTER he just f*cking eats the raw meat. this haunts me to this DAY)

Also a huge portion of V's character that I forgot to mention is that he has demon familiars who're essentially formed from Vergil's memories of his coworkers when he was a puppet for the king of hell..... One of these familiars is named Griffon, and he's the only one that talks out loud. Griffon bullies V so much and V just takes it bc they're besties. :') it's meow meow behavior your honor. OH one final thing, when you’re fighting as him, he’ll call out commands for the familiars + one of his commands literally sounds identical to CGI Ganondorf saying “die”. it HAUNTS me 😭😭😭😭😭

another meow meow-type character for me is Kat from the DmC reboot! We Do Not Talk about the DmC reboot because it is godforsaken, goatforsaken, the list goes on. It's a badly-written insult to the franchise. HOWEVER, Kat is cool :') I won't explain everything that goes on w Kat bc then I'd have to explain the reboot and that's more effort than it's worth. </3 but Kat is worth explanation. 🥰 so!! she's essentially Vergil's right hand lass, and also his girlfriend?? maybe? but that's basically irrelevant. Anyhow, the two of them have been working together for god knows how long trying to overthrow the surveillance state the demons have mankind under. Kat is a medium, so she's able to exist in Limbo, which is the space between the human and demon worlds? or maybe where they overlap??? I dunno tbh 😳 but anyhow, Kat is able to traverse Limbo while her physical body gets left in the real world, and she uses this ability to be the smartest, most effective, most efficient person in the whole game. There is one point where she gets taken hostage and the king of hell is trying to use her to convince Vergil, who's an unknown variable in this universe, to bring him Dante, public enemy #1. While he’s beating the sh*t outta her and doing god knows what else (which is 🥺👿 because the game casually drops that she was assaulted, iirc sexually, as a child) to her, she slips into Limbo and basically scouts out the place where she’s being held hostage. Then, she concocts this entire plan, iirc all by herself!, to topple the demon’s power. The reveal that she was doing all of this blew my f*cking socks off- when you first see her in this portion of the game, it's in a video where she's super out of it and I was Very Concerned about what she was going through.. meanwhile miss thing is out here masterminding her captor’s downfall... legend behavior. So yeah! of the reboot's cast, Kat is my favorite character 😚 but the reboot is wildly unpopular and held in similar regard to DMC2, with the exception that it's set in a different universe and thus even Easier To Ignore than DMC2. so i think that makes her an unpopular fave and thus a good fit for the meow meow category ^^

horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason):

so I would say Dante because dante is like. the most batsh*t normie guy ever. like... Confirmed the strongest guy in the whole series, has taken down every Ted, Jim, and Sue from the demon world that's tried to grab for power... but also. Dante lives off of pizza, his favorite drink is tomato juice, and he loves strawberry milkshakes. he never has money because his besties are always running him dry </3 for at least a little while, he gets bossed around by his own version of the Ace Attorney Weird Little Girl. in every single game he gets impaled with a sword, and when nobody did it in 5, he did it to himself. Dante is easily the most tormentable character in the entire franchise, but ALSO.. he is the Most Tormented :( so I don't know if I could torment him, he's been through enough!!! 😭

so if I can't torment dante, then Nero it is. >3 a bit of context here- every time I see a city you can kiiind of explore in a game, ie Val Royeaux in Dragon Age: Inquisition, I get a hardcore itch to explore + play in it the same way you play through Kamurocho/Sotenbori in Yakuza. WELL... girl lemme tell you this itch is so f*cking strong for Fortuna man!!! it's such a pretty city and you really don't get to see a lot of it! :( so for a long time now I have been juggling a Yakuza-esque spinoff game for Nero where you have to do a bunch of sidequests for the people of Fortuna.. in my mind all of them are as headscratch-worthy and bewildering as Yakuza's sidequests. however, Nero is a lot more affectable than Kiryu is, so I think he would be tormented by them a lot more than Kiryu would be. 🥴 it is my dream to get into the dmc board room and pitch this game one day 😤😤😤😤

eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)

SO............. THE POPE, RIGHT >( I would say sanctus is the most bitchass character in the entire franchise, if only because he took Credo away from us 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 BUT. sanctus has a lot of puss* power. he poisoned the previous pope for two years straight so he could take his job and then he strung Literally Everyone along while he was planning world domination for two entire decades. he's the worst but I'm kind of obsessed with him </3


INSTEAD. : - )

my vote goes to DmC Vergil. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh i HATE DmC Vergil he is genuinely the f*cking worst 🤬⚔ I think they started off with a good idea for his character, the son that got away, a mystery variable in a heavily-surveiled state. If I were in that position, with the bass boosted powers that Vergil gets from his parents (plural... his and Dante's mom is an angel in the reboot... girl 😐), I Too would build my own secret little organization to topple the demons in power. BUT. That's like the end of Vergil's good writing. Throughout the game, he's always in the back, always the one depending on Dante to do things for him. What was he doing before his group found Dante? They dangle the idea of him having sauce right before your very eyes, because they take a moment to establish that he still has his f*ckt up crazy sword Yamato (which he pronounces as if it rhymes with tomato...) in this universe as well, which means he COULD be doing things. But no!! there's literally a mission where you have to come defend his ass while he's trying to back up servers or whatever. as if the original Vergil would ever need to be defended. There's another part in the game where you're trading Kat off for the king of hell's... lover? who is pregnant with his child? In any case, it is a very high stakes high tension moment in which neither party can really afford for things to go wrong....... so vergil decides to snipe the pregnant lady out! 😱🤯🤯 for literally No Reason!!!!!! and it endangers Kat and everything goes haywire and hsdhfjfjhgs...... the entire time I was like, you did this for what!! iirc correctly, he is Hardly Useful in the ending fight against the king of hell, whereas the original Vergil in a similar fight was instrumental to winning the battle.... like, girl!!! where is your sauce? what's going on!

it gets worse though... after Dante defeats the king of hell, there's a beat, right. the guy is dead, his surveillance state's been dismantled... damn, there's finally room to breathe! to hope! and then Vergil, who has made Dante do all the legwork, is like "Dante, the path is clear for us to rule over the humans now ^_^". When Dante is justifiably like what the f*ck, they get into an argument about humans being fine/not fine on their own and Dante Correctly brings up that it would've been impossible for the two of them to achieve anything without Kat (who is in the bg watching this unfold like 👁_👁😨), and vergil essentially handwaves her!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬 this is the point where I went from begrudingly tolerating Vergil to really disliking his character 🙈 you f*cked with the wrong kat stan !!!1! 😆

but then!! the worst part! as if what he'd already done wasn't enough! his boss fight begins, right. Vergil's boss fight. vergil. who has been useless and non-combative the whole game. HIS boss fight starts AND SOMEHOW??? HE HAS SAUCE?! INSANE SAUCE? that really cemented it for me. He'd had these abilities the whole time, you know! he never had a big coming of power moment, so he was just sitting on all these abilities The Whole Time! and it just bugged me- Vergil, in any instance, keeping a low profile is a rational thing. but the original vergil still took the time to have sauce and do batsh*t stuff like ricocheting the yamato off of walls and catching it at the last second, so on and so forth. With this newer Vergil, they nerf him only until he Has To be the final boss. I've rewritten this a few times and I still don't think I'm capturing what I'm really trying to say, but. god. I know they're two separate characters and you shouldn't compare them, but the reboot's Vergil just feels so incredibly disrespectful towards the original. and since vergil is The blorbo of dmc for me, this is a crime punishable by death /j

OH my god i forgot to mention. they gave him his own DLC where you get to play as him, right? they initially won me back over because they had him limping around and clutching where dante f*cking stabbed him to death (i call it the garrett thief effect 🙈), BUT THEN.. the story of the DLC was just. so edgy and grrr Vergil fights his inner demons and he kills the ghosts of Kat, Dante, his mother, everyone who left him and haunts him grrrr... but it felt too disconnected from the Vergil we'd seen in the main game for it to be a cohesive addition imo.

dear god I cannot believe I went off about the reboot Vergil for this long,,,, I am so sorry </3 I tried to forget him but I guess he still vexes me deeply 🙈🙈🙈 in conclusion, DmC Vergil has been sentenced to an eternity in superhell for crimes against DMC Vergil and also because he is kin with the Elon Musk who Also had a fedora and katana. grrr

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