El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas (2024)

THE EL PASO TIMES, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1925. I up. These documents were forgeries SDV RADEQ DI flT Tfl niRDnil 1 In that they misrepresented the eeatt- MNE 100-TON FAILS TO RAISE mema or me persons nose seniimsnu) they were supposed to express. Gale believed me to be genuinely I representing the communist party and therefore It waa easy to get him to do things I wanted done. I gave him ISO to be used In communist work and got hla receipt (or the purpose of showing that I nad been la actual contact with him.

and 1 took care to see that his receipt ahowed that the work (or which I gave him the money waa com Ul UttllLU 1LU1 1U UNITED STATES WITH MEXICO Notorious Communist Pitted Governments Against Each Other to Obtain Revenge for Killing of His Brother, MILKMEN HAVE PLANOFACTION Scheme for Price Hike to Be Given at Meeting Tonight. Milkmsn wer marking tlma yesterday, waiting (or tonight meeting, at SUB TO SURFACE munist work. This receipt I have. Stove Gasoline Tank Explodes; Man Is Burned JACINTO PALACIOS. 3, of Vai Verde avenue and Conception street, waa severely hnrned at 3:41 p.

m. yesterday when a gasoline tank on a atove In hla hunie rxplmleil. Ho waa pi-epai-itur to light a burner. Gasoline was Ihroun all over Palacios and be was burned about the (ace, hands, shoulders, neck, amis and back, jx-lice anlil. Patrolmen Bernhardt ami Cartwrlcht hurried with tho man to city-county hospital, where he was treated by Ir.

tic-orce U. Merrltt. Hospital at. tt-iidants Mid last night Ills burns, although severe, were not critical. Aa I have aald.

I hoped very much Entombed Men Fail la Rev. suae ima report waa going to get me Two Herrin Mine Killing Suspects Meet Tragic Ends HKimiX, IIX Sept. 37 (AP). Two of the men Indicted for participation In the Herrin mine klllliifs, during the strike of IH22, died tragic deaths here within 111 hours into yesterday and today. James Gallhran, one of the Indicted men, but never tried, was killed in a mine explosion at number 7 shaft Saturday.

Today the body of Otis lark was found with three bullet wounds In tho abdomen In front of hla hom*o near here. Chirk nas twice tried (or partlclatlon In the mine lalngs and acquitted each time. When the body was found this morning, a revolver was clutched In the rlRht hand. Police lotilrht were running down rumors that t'lnrk had been engaged in Nmtli-irglng operation nhich might hnve led to the shooting. FROM PAGE O.NE.I support hl story.

What follows la pond to Signal From Diver. NEW tOXDOV, Sept. 17 (AP). No response from ths Interior of the aubmarln 3-51. sunk oft Block Island, has betn obtained by the relief expedition working; at ths spot where th submarine) went down, It waa reported officially to the aub- by with Mr.

Marsh and Colonel Woods and that I would get my 125.000. but I waa punled. I wanted to go far enough to satisfy them, but not too far. Labor Meeting Tailed. Just about the time we got the (ake report past the two secretaries I learned of a labor meeting that was to be held another town.

The rnlveraal Service has (net Honed Mr. Oslo nboas the participation by him In the preparation af the reports and he kaa admitted Smith Outlines Rough Platform for 1928 Race CHICAGO, Sept, ST (AP). From a rough platform In tha Beverly Illlla (orest pre. servo. Governor A I (rod I -Smith of New York, as tracst of honor at a picnic of ook county democracy, today outlined to several thousand persona what Isemocratio leaders here considered were the principles on which he might wage a fight for the Democratic presidential nomination In 19SH.

No refcrrnco waa made Try the ftmrrnor of presidential aspirations. tinrernor Smith, however, did outline a tentative piuftram of reform In Waalilngton that he aald would save lion. OOO. 0K a ear ami brlrui (rnirrmticntal af-(nlra In line with the roTcas tti science and bustm "In thla airplane aire." tiovemor Smith left (or New York tonight. Among the IH-nio-rrallo lender to confer with him here today were George Itreimnn of Illinois; Mayor William V.

Dover of ClilniKo; Joseph tiiiffey. national commit" tnctnan from Pennsylvania; David lawrt-nce of Plitshnrirli; Murtin I nick nnd James t'alla-hnii of Milwaukee; W. J. Qutim of St. Paul, and a delegation front XehrBKka.

over tha table and said that ha would Ilka me to go down to Mexico tor them. Then, after I got over tha surprise of tha Invitation it was explained to ma that it waa desired for ma to go to Mexico and get evidence of communist activities. They said that they wanted to prove that there waa a powerful communist movement which was getting a hold on Mexico and that It might spread and become a danger to the United States. Communists knew little of what waa on in Mexico and naturally I lit which definite action In El Paso's milk "war" i expected to taken. M.

A. Turner, Anthony, leader ef the, producers' forces, who are seeking a eO-cent per 1C0 pounds increase from distributors, said tonight's meeting. which will be at Chsmberlno prubably will be a critical stage in tU: fight. I Mr. Turner said an Injunction suit' filed Saturday in Jti.lg Coldsrell's court by ths Rio Ciranda Valley Palry sssoclntlon against John TayliT, upper valley farmer, to compel Mr.

I Taylor to deliver milk to the aocla-j part cf hli own narrative of the Mexican Incident, and tha first Installment cf hi remarkable history Offers Coefeesloa. "Dr. Noaovltskjr tendered this nar-ratlva to Unlveraal Service through a Xw York lawyer. It was intended by ta author aa an exposure of great eapltallata In their political Intrigues and of eminent statesmen and high officials In tha governments of Great Prltain and tha United States in their relations with big business. Investigation by Universal Service he tank a hand with JiotoWtskr.

as I found It did. At first I thought I was not being taken Into the confidence of the leaders, but beioro I got tie expected auch a mission. They I attended a meeting of tha com began to argue with me that with my through I waa In a position to know manist party In Mexico City In the that communism was only a shell provea that tha "doctor" did play an Important part In affairs of great mo. connections I could go Inta Mexico and get a lot of information that would school conducted by the communists, and at thla meeting It waa decided to ment affecting the United States, down there. In the (irst place I (ound that even the Mexican communist leaders had a marlne bass here tonight, A message from Rear Admiral H.

H. Christy, In charge of the relief operations, said that a 100-ton crane, th Century, had attempted to lift th submarine late this afternoon, but had failed In the attempt. The latest Information her was that the aubmarln wss renting en sandy bottom. The arrival of tha derrick Monarch was delayed tonight when one of the not be ordinarily obtainable. send twa representatives to the con England, Mexico and Russia.

But no proof has been found that ventlon o( the Mexican labor party I had been told that Mr. Marsh had extensive interests In Mexico and that different idea ot what communism tha Important capitalists and eovern which waa to be held at Pachuca. snouicl oe from that of the Russian ment officials knew the character of R1VFR MENACES LOWER VALIEV i i uu sutvorutq in gening our Col. Woods was once interested in Mexican lumber company. lion nas no oearing on me price situation." It are Plan ef Action.

"This phase of the situation will not be discussed at Mnmlfty nlsht's meet-Ing." Mr. Turner said. "We havo In mind a plan of action that we hope to he able to carry out. but until the meeting I would not care to state what It Is Mr. Turner said there will be Paso speakers at the meeting, which "7 nted as those two were not willing to accept any of the tha man they emnloyed or knew that tha proofs of plots against the'r gov- Looking over that dinner It la tn arnmenta which they wished him to terestlng to recall that, Thomas Laraont.

of J. P. Morgan and com' beliefs of the third international. Few people read down there and therefore they had in the main read none of the Thla pnt me In a position to get the Mexican labor party on record with the communists In some way that would be useful to Mr. Marsh and tuga hauling It got ita propeller caught in a tow rop.

The Monarch aa not ootain were fraudulent when he ore a'nted them. pany, was acting (or the bankers, Colonel Woods. who held many millions of dollars of expected to arrive until a. m. Diver May Enter Sob.

Tha "doctor's- skill In duplicity Is Indicated by the fact that many My Intention was to put throuth. will be (or all producers of the valley. Heavy Railtl in Mexico Mexican bonds then in default. New While the weather was favorable for literature of communism. I (ound that labor waa organised and continuing to organize, but conservative lines rather than on communistic lines.

It was not more than 10 days after ADMV MrCnC LIITrl. Turner characterised statements at- papers were reporting that Obregon if possible, a resolution providing for the adherence of the Mexican labor ttixmi 1LLUJ lIUULi Ibuted to H. P. Dietrich, manager of Swell Rio Grande Near Brownsville. wanted first recognition by President Harding and that the bankers wanted first an agreement with Mexico about the dairy association, that he was an my arrival that I concluded that con SUMS FOR PLANES (CONTINUED FROM fa*gE ONE.) the cost figures presented by Genral their bonds.

V. 8. Enmity Discussed, shrewd men of tha world. wealthv capitalists and hlrh official, listened with credulity to hla tales of phantom "red" conspiracies and pursued with eagerness proofs of such conspiracies that ha offered to furnish. At leist tome of there al'eged proofs rincu.

ments which tha "doctor" himself fabricated concerning the Mexican government wera delivered as authentic to our states department A Tery serious picture o( things In Mexico was drawn (or me during the Drum. Toast Defense Fond Needed. Among the other major projecta are such questions as Increusmg the defense of the Canal Zone and Hawaii, aa nroved necessary by joint manou- dinner and I was given to understand that It would be better for the United Statea to have the enmity o( Mexico than her good will if the communists were In the saddle. Mr. Marsh said rescue work during the day, (tne rain aet in lale tonl.ht and a stiff breeje came up.

Thla. it wss said at the submarine base, may (low up the rescue work and will probably delay the progress of tha 200-ton derrick, the Monarch, on ta way here. It was learned here tonight that If the Monarch (alia to bring tha submarine to the surface, a diver probably will be sent through on o( th torpedo tubes nf tha aubmarln. Ha will close all of th compartment of the vessel and all th water will be pumped out and th undersea ship filled with air. It the Monarch succeeds In bringing the submarine to the surface It Is planned to bring tha stern up first, for If any of the men are alive It Is believed thst they are In tin two rear "agitator," as personalities.

"It has never been my Idea to brlns personalities Into the campaign," he said. "We have conducted a clean cut fUht for what we believe we are en titled to and now It la developing into a more or less personal priiposltiun. That will only muddy the water and make It bad for the publlo as well as the milkmen." Mr. Turner said he believed the Klo drunde'a suit was merely a test cas" t.j try the strength of their contract with members, it has been contemplated tor several months, he said, and Is not a move on the association's part to further Its side In the milk war. party to the principles and tactics cf clasa struggle as outlined by the Third Internationale in Moscow.

Visions 115,009. If I could get such a resolution adopted I (elt that, eomb.ned with the other report I had, I would have all the evidence I was sent to get end that my work would be done and the 1:6.000 paid to me. Pachuca Is a mining town In the Hate of Hidalgo, and at the appointed time about io labor delegates, coming from different places, arrived. Some of them were barefooted Peons whose Uvea were so very narrow that they knew little beyond things concerning own little vlllagea and they lacked education. I dare say aome of them didn't know why they were there.

From this tvna tha as. he had heard that members of Pre vera with navy modernisation of Ident Obregon'a cabinet were com munists. And I began to (Igue how much ditions were vastly different from tie conditions that Messrs. Marsh and Woods wanted me to get documentary evidence about. Mexlran Reds a Joke.

Frankly the Mexican comwiinlst move wis a Joke. Only a few hundred people were enrolled all told. Many of them were foreigners in the party (or some kind of personal gain or because they had nothing else to do. I could find not the slightest Indication of a deep sealed movement against capital and I couldn't find the Bitchiest semblance of strength to their future. In fact.

I did find opposition to the Russian idea among most of the lew people who understood It. The Mexican government knew all about them and seemed willing to tolerate Its communists and Just aa England lota the most violent agitatora blow of( steam In Hyde park. After thinking the whole thins; over I telegraphed Mr. Marsh that conditions were not favorable to the results he wanted and that I needed money. Trn iSava thereafter I received 1700.

truth there might be in the picture as they outlined It and how much if anything could be gotten to back up their ideas. But they earn mey stuff in documentary form to back compartments, the engine room and the motor room. them up and that they were willing sortment ranged upward to the type I By JACOB NOZOVITSKY. It waa in February, 1921, that the red Russian Incident in my life began. I will tell you later of how I come to know Mr.

Hnry W. Marsh and how I had worked on other communist matters with his knowledge and how I had been invited to Warwick castle, his home, when In England. But In this chapter I am onlv go'ng to tell you of how some verv influential gentlemen wanted to discover al' the supposed details of big communist riot and how I "dlsoov-ered" the plot for them and how they took the "Dior to the American state depsrtment. At the beslnnlg I dined at the Hotel Plaxa in New Tork with Mr. Marsh and Col.

Arthur Woods, who is Important In big affairs. Aa they outlined what I wanted, my mind turned back to other days. Although I waa a poor lad and a persecuted student at Kiev and had to coast artillery Installations at points protecting big cities and vital Industrial areas, development of the coastal control syitem and provision to aup-plemenl th fortifications with mobile artillery and railway guns. Ht 1)1 another matter of concern Is exhaustion of war stocks of uniform nnd other supplies on which the army haa drawn heavily since the w-ar, mnklng a larger portion of Ita annual budget available fur personnel. In view of the attention already-given air service needs In general army plans and allotments during the last two or three years, lleneral Patrick's ussertlnn to the air board that the air service had been treated like a "stepchild" haa aroused considerable resentment among his colleagues In o'her branches of the army.

The fact that army appropriations aa a whole went down last year nearly per cent from the year before, while Ihe air service proportion went up or Louie N. Morones, head of the government munitions factory, now secretary of Industry, commerce snd labor, who came clothed in a suave manner and tha finest mada American clothes. But they were a hard-headed lot. In the main they seemed to want little to do with the communists, and par to pay a good price (or It. Nosovltsky waa asked te state win blank If at thle dlaaer party It was aald er Implied that he waa to roaaafaeture each evidence.

la fairness ta both Mr. Marsh and Col. Woods tt anus, be atated that be was not told to forge er fake any doeamente. He waa employed by them and be produced whet be thooght they wanted. Sews editor.

Bv the time we got through talk BROWNSVILLE. TEX. Sept. 27 Tho tiranJo la being watched In the lower vallev by hundreds of men whilti It strains at its lewes and nears th high mi rk tot in the flood threu wenks ago. W.vter Is cut In a number of places, being over several roads around Ilrownsville.

but so fnr damage has been negligible. Tho levees are threut-riilnK to bre.ik in places on account if belrg wifi-ned by ran. Neara Tup of I.eiees. Tho Kio (iranrie came tip three end a half feet at Iirownsvillo at o'clock Fnturdttv afternoon and was within a foot of ths top its 1-vees then, holding that stone until midnight. It registered II here.

The stream was within a foot of th- Ir.p of Its ievees at San Henlto. being ut 23 II there lust n'eht nt 11 o'clock. Flood stage there Is So. 5. At Mleilon the river was at a stand-ellll all day.

being three, feet below the toji of Ita banks, and was reported failing at ICIo Grande rity. Meaty Kalna In Mexico. The river will remain up in the Snn Pepito and Urownsville districts (or nt least three days and mnv cont'nu to nee In this section in splto of the drop at Grande City. A break In the levees would do lltt'e crop damugo now, as there ere no crops lo any extent, hut It would damage the 'and for (all planting, atul slop traffic In many sections ot tho valley. Water Is believed to be coming down the San caused by recent' heavy rains In the vicinity cf Monterey, Mctlco.

KIVr-B FAIL AT 1KI. MO. DEL Sept. 57. Al-hnush tho Kin Ornndo here (ell three feet to'lay.

It still Is standing one foot uloe normal, due to recent rains. Dallas Woman Sees Her Husband Slain Sept. 17 W. p. Perry, a contractor, wss ahot snd kilted here last night during an argument over a 1100 debt.

L. Dnwd. tu, wss arrested. Ha said had been threatened and MMleved his life in danger when he shot. Ths shooting occurred aa the two men ant In automobiles facing each other.

Mrs. Kerry was with her hus. band. She said she begged I'uwd it to shoot Prominent Galveston It waa said by officers at ths sub. marine base tonight that If ths S-Bl la flooded with water a lift of 4 SO tons would be necesausry to bring her to thn surface.

If two of tha compartments are airtight a lift of 250 tone would be necessary. Rescue Attempts Fall. Bepeated attempt a to raise the sunken craft by means of compressed sir pumped from her alster vessel, th 8-liO, failed ot success and tonight the naval officials on the, scene awaited Impntiently lie coming of the great dtrrlck ship Slonsrch. While the rescue forces headed by Rear Admiral H. H.

Christy, commander of the submarine control force at New London, admittedly labored through the Bank of Montreal and I also rot a cable from Mr. aiarsn. ticularly wllh foreigners. When we This waa to the effect that he didn't offered our credentials we were made to (eel we were not wanted and Ihe want a failure and that he expectea lr I had the clear understanding that (lee from exile, fortune had been good me to make good. Meet American Blacker, credentials committee reported against us, Thla action brought a vehement I waa to atay In Mexico until i came was io suit in meiitw i to me and the work I had gotten into to to back up their Anttrhtle I had fallen In with protest frnrti Rlchardo Trevlno, secre made the Plaia Hotel style my na- i beran to fit myself nearly It per cent at the cost of ottier tary of tha iabcr party, Intimate Linn A.

E. Gale, (ormerly a reporter In A'lbanv. N. who had left the tural style. I had been a communist.

m-omlsed friend of Morones and of the Mexl I had been a very good one and be 000 by Mr. Marsh (or auch evidence 1 -lilted Statea to avoid the war draft. branches, Is cited by these officers as disproof of the charge. It la also re- A ttl.t (lMrlnptf Wu 1, nrn can I. W.

who wanted to help us because he waa aympathetia toward with nllght hop of any of those en as he had outlined. He had very definite communistic tombed in the 8-St being still alive n)ly rr.IKnl,hty year ago lieved In the cause and worked (or it-Hut time changed my convictions. Also the murder o( my brother In Russia had turned my mind to revenge and (liven Money. Cm the morning of February 15 officer at th submarine base slill In asking the budtret bureau for sup 1921. Mr.

Marsh gava me 15.500 in cash and a check (or 1800 on, the with all the bolshevik scares through refused to see th darker side nf the picture. Ilelatlve and friend of members of the 8-SI ernw, frantic with suspense, Tiesleajeii th bsse to out the world It was easy to sell my nitert statea Trust company. plemental air service approprlntlnns of making tntnl of for that branch. Budget requirements llmihated th fl.oon.ooo and substituted authority to contract for services to the United states govern There might be aome trouble getting ini. an I went to see J.

ment department of Justice. Marsh Knew Life. day and all were advised not to aban don hope. Cotton Dealer Dead GALVESTON'. TKXAS, 27.

fharles Lanitdon Harris. t'. years old. New York cotton brnkcr, br.ither of llsylls E. Hnrrlss, prominent local cotton man and former mayr, tiled this morning at I o'elock In New York city, following an operation for last Thursday week, after he was taken III In his office.

Mr. Hnrrlss was manager of Ihe fu-tures department of the New Vnrk cotton exchange snd was sIho a member of the firm of Irby 6 t'hnse. He was horn In Dallas, Texas, nnd lived In that city and also In Waco for a number of years prior to going lo New York about eight years ago. what be thought our mission was. Convention Exciting.

"We are cried Trevino. "They com fraternally to convince us of the truth of their Ideas. Let them come," shouted Remero, of Guadalajara. The convention ass very exciting It was a hot little hall. The galleries were festooned with red flags, banners of Mexican labor and other insignia of radicalism.

Borne of the delegate had never heard of the Lieutenant Commander Flanagan, Mr. Marsh knew all of what I had done, knew me to have communist ths base executive officer, Insisted ideas. Linn A. E. Oale was a newspaper reporter In Albany In ISIS.

To rape the draft he went with bla wife te Mealen. There In tiale'e sine he ran a bitter antl-Amerlraa nad prn-enmmunlss pmpngandn. Mrxlre deported him te aiiatemnl. (uatemala eventally banded him over to the department of Justice at Ihe American border. He waa hrnniiit te fiovernor'e Island, tried for dodging the draft, eentenred to IS yeare la Lesvenworthi pardoned nfter three years.

His pardon. It te understood, earns for his giving In-formation the government. He now rnns an ebeciire beokshop In W'ashlntea. h.ir.n thinking about getting up that when Ihe submarine waa rammed connections, which I could use and to he the possessor of communist cre 12.160,000 In new planes, which has been dona Th bill will pave to be paid In any army budget now being framed. in connection with the HIT budget It In now known that Acting Secretary Davis has fixed th sir service figures, and one or two other item as Irreducible minimum and thst the dentials which would enable me to go a large number of tha crew waa In position tn lock themnelves behind the water-tight doors of th torpedo and motor compartments in Ui bow snd stern ef the submernlhle.

There, pro third Internationale. Home were In Denmark milk must be pasteur-Ired even If It Is only Intemlerl for pig-fending. vided the air held out, they would he general staff has been instructed lo prune all other requirements In ac clover, shrewd fellows who wanted their on communist's party which they could run without any help from 79WE Sj? safe for about 71 hours, wlilrh would give the derrick ship time to mak the attempt at raising her. ntnmhed Men I snore Pliaals. Officials In charste) of ths reset's Hoover, o( the department of Justice, with whom I had worked before.

He told me after the tnlk that he would arrange to have the crossing of the border mode easy (or me both going Into Mexico and returning to the United 8tates. Tie trip down waa uneventful. Ten days later I was In Mexico City. I had been compelled to surrender my revolver at the border, but later when I got back to New York I got It from Mr. Hoover, who had arranged to have It forwarded to him.

Once In Mexico I began operations st once. I had credentials from the communists In New Tork, of course, nnd quickly rot the reputation among the Mexicans aa an International leader o( the communists. Meets Red leaders. It was not difficult (or me to get tn touch with Mexican communists. After ny first contacts had been msde I began to meet all of the most cordance.

Final budget determination of the army's allotment (or the coming Itscnl year la nt 111 to ho made. oi.o-thtnr for mv friends in New York Moscow. Then I got up and offered my reso lilt Ion, which I had carefully pre-pared. It would have been fine read' anywhere aa a communist. When he Invited me to dine with Mr.

Woods, who had Just ceased to be chief commissioner o( the New York police, and with, him at the Plaz.i Hotel. was high In the Inner communist councils. The communists knew I had contacts with millionaires and high officials In the government. Eacn side thought I waa. valuable to It.

It was a wonderful dinner that Mr. Marsh gave us and he was a delightful and an entertaining host. But the dinner was the least important to that little company. 8'in the conversation shifted around to Mexico and the communist situation which I thought they would like. Bo Gale and I tet to work on a report to work admitted tonight that the delay In raising the 8 51 afforded ths moil expressing sspect e-f the sltuatlnn.

GRAND JURY TAKES 1 Ing for anyone nho wanted to hang be sent to 7inovlcv or tne miro the Mexlcnn Inbor party. nationnlo In Moscow, telling mm oi communistic conditions In Mexico. Of It would have had the effect ef The most optimistic entlmal as to the I r) TIf TT I fip length of time men might live In the i IMLLliMlj ViJLs proving to the American government course I liJ nunu bsi compartments wss it nours ana two that Moscow controlled the Mexican rewirt a lot of Hurt wmcn 1 mnuum (CONTINLLD FI10M PAGE ONE) thirds nf that time has passed since Ihe sinking. vestlgatinn. The possibility thai th Inlior party, which Included eurh Important people as Morones, Cetestlne Oasca, governor of the federal dis Th reports of naval divers who would he what Mr.

Marsh wanted. In other words, I thought of It aa something for the eyes of my New York employers rather than as a true report fur Zlnovlev. down there and I was given to under stand that I was expected to do some' Important ones sind at first I waa not i 'I'lin. V. -i 1.

I I thing about it. This report was written in z. ngusn. After a little talk Mr. Marsh leaned movement there amounted to so little' and the nidonal and Internationa secretaries of the communist party search was made by pseudo officers wa advanced.

Case of Rafael Ochoe. Rafael Ochoa, Smelter resident, who wa shot Ihrouirh th ankle by federal officers In a gun battle wltn smuggler Sept. 7, Is still In Hotel lileu facing charges of conspiracy to smuggle llouor snd resisting (derl officers. Leandro Mendes was killed In the battle. Coroner Wilson Investigated the shooting snd Justified 1 lie officer for killing Mendes snd trict Vlllnreal, secretary of agriculture: AdoKo de la Huerta, secretary of the treasury, and Plutareo El as Calles.

then head of the cabinet and now Obregon'a successor at the head of the Mexlran government. Turn Down Resolution. Aa soon aa the resolution was pre-nte4 there was excitement. They didn't want It and wouldn't have It, and finally they turned It down cold My mission In this rerpect had fared The delegate said they considered It too radical. ala and returned to Mex'co City and on the way hack I did a lot of thinking.

There would be a written wera first to resell the wreck last night added to the hopelessness of the workers. Chief Torpcdonun J. W. Ingraham, th first diver lo go down, said there wss ne ponnible chance that any of the Imprisoned men were alive. Ingraham reported that "made all ths nolss could," and put hi band on th hatch covers to see whether there wss any vibration from possible answering knocks wltnln.

There wa no sign of IK whatever, he said. Thn first rescue atep taken today lo send a diver down to Ihe broken H-SI to atlsrh compressed air tubes tn the valves on either slils of tho conning tower. From dsybrenk on, tixygen wss forced Into th hull to save any of th living from suffocation. Karly today the, submarine N-4, The New wounding Ochoa. Two officers testl didn't know much about r.ngnsn.

Linn and I assured them, however, that it was a true report of eondl- tions and thit they rhould sign It, which they did. Addressed te Zlnovlev. It was formally addressed to Z. C. Zlnovlev, chalrmnn of the executive bureau o( the Third Internationale and intrusted to me (or delivery to Moscow, and that Is how It finally (ound Its way Into the hands o( my rich New York (rlends.

In this report the secretaries said, among other things: fled befor th coroner and ald the dead man had fired at them, and bad O'-hoa. However, Mms's wife, his daughter, liamona, nr grocery man In ths smelter district, all of whom dec lar the officer shot report of the labor meeting to be sent to Moscow and I decided that this re the wrong man, were not called to testify. The woman, girl and grocer sfLas carrying two expert commercial divers, the fleet whl-h I anchored say they saw Ochna a few minutes he-fore he wae wounded, and thot lie could not have bu In the emuggllng Prty. The girl, wife snd wounded man say the guns found In their home were there hv a strsnser. who wns I'bout the tenner Csniden, moiher ship nf the submarines and flag-hip of Admiral t'hrlsty.

Admiral Christy tonight awaited eafc-nly arrival of frhtof tl'imier, W. port should be as strong ae possible nnd that I would take It back to Mr. Mnrsh. riiie and 1 ant down and prepared the report. It was based on my resolution that was relented.

I did not tell that fact. This document wss signed by me and others. I signed my name rs "James Norsen. And then I announced to my com- Store Closed Today On Account of Jewish Holiday Fashion Show This Evening An interesting Fashion Show will be held at the Lower Valley Com-munity Center llm evening. dodging Ihe referring lo F.

Ixughman from Ions lsiaml. New Ounner loughman, who is expected to reach here) tomorrow, holds munlut comrades thfit I wss rtumlnr the olflrers Orhoa's preliminary hearing has ml yet been held. 'r Agents' quote. Prohibition officers, under the new to New Tork. I learned later that became susplrlous of me and, through communist a sources, begsn Ineiuirles to ftx my absolute Identity and to learn (or Just whom I was operat Inf.

Afraid le Leave. I could pnt start from Mexico City without giving Ihe appearance of ome fear, (or If I did It might exelle susp cion. I told thern I was worry the world deep bob rllvln'r rc.or(l. He went down In I0O feet nf water In I'earl Harbor, Hawaiian Isliniits, to reach the sunken F-4. A fast patrol boat was waiting at the sulunerins base to speed him to th sons of lh disaster, (0 mile away.

About noon lodsy the divers uc-reeded In placing a single sling ehcut Ihe ntern of the sunken submarin. during the day It held III position but tho divers nti that Ihe least roughness of sea tonight wou'd rt's-plac thelt line. Trie dlvern unrk'd for aeveril hours, tsch on remaining regime of 'len. Lincoln fed rsl prohibition director, have been I told In Instructions from Washington. tht every man is expected to mske at least J'l srreas month to hold his Job, according to a prohibition eio-nt here.

prohibition Agent, Mai. It. White, In barge of T-xas ant iklaholoa. Who is lp Kf Blll'l when sske.l sliout the crders, there was nothing to I' COUPES Shipment of the New Type Just Arrived! On Display at Our Salesroom Alamo Motor Inc. Ford Sale Service 601 Texas Street H.

P. JACKSON, Preg. ing ebont the possibility of being up st the Amerirsn border, and to alve the Impression that I was very Important and might tie wat'hed for began working with them In build tinder water half an hour at a stretch, te mak this line fast to Ilia wreck. "The remmonlst psrty of Mevlee has steadily pursued en areele nnd eitrnslte parley of eduretlnn nnd nc'tntion, as has every gennine i enmmonlat perty, bat the attllnile of the rasimislit party of Meslee baa been Inflnenred materially by the realisation that the rnadlllnns brr are especially favorable for the early establishment of the dictatorship ef the proletariat and Ihe rem martlet etnte. "tie maintain tha eemmonlsl pany ae a legal ergaalsatlnn, and while there Is ne perseeeilon ef radlral grenps In Meslre lit I.AKt.M.V TO HIE PRP.ar.JtCB OP er.WRAI.

RPAI. COHMIlM I TUP. OOVP.R.IMP.ST Or OHRP.ttOM, there Is else a resole-tmnary, andergroand group composed ef certain members ef the remmnnlst party- The work of (be revnletlonary grasp le eentlnelng reralar! and will be even mere fnllhfal In the near future. Thle le the Intermediate period between eapltellsm and eemmanlsm In Meslre. The line Is being rloeely drsen end she rises strogsle te earning keener and flereer.

Me fearlessly nert that la ne reentry In the world are the preperts of an early rnmmaalst revelntlnn more certain then here la Meslre. erttla It Is that the flamee ef retell kindled In Meslre still rreep ever all l.etla Amerlea aad perhaps serve te light Ihe fire la the I sited gletee aa wetl." Yet Whet Marsh Wanted. ronslrterlng that 1 hsd found the party to be Jut a 1 thought that fh preity i sett ng talk, but 1 was still bthr4 by Ihe (e that It wasn't nhnt Mr Marsh lis O'ltlined ajut the r-d arrr.r- N' W. I hadn't tsken file In'o rj emfdee'e very hvjeh. I ss knonn to him aa Ja-nes And'tri nt I freq'ientiy b.it ainie I waa In Mesial use'l tle narre of Jarr.s GEORGIA TRAINS COLLIDE, KILLING FOUR; 35 HURT ing up a plan through whlrh would lie helped over the border If I found mvself In trouble.

And thn. with the doru-ment sefeiy In my Inside poeket, I stsrt'! bs'k fnr New York. How 1 tnr.yt par. si ok sit r.i hm.kf.t. PAUM.

H-pt. 11 President Doumergue today sent a mesesg lo I'res'dent Omllrlge es pressing regrets of himself and thn srrench rennl.li.' Co-operoling with ihe Woman's Clul of thn Lowrr Valley, wei will coi'Juct a Fashion Show at the Vrii-r riuii HoiiNe, this eventriK, nt o'clock. In ii'l-illtlori In thn valley folks, I.I I'nsontis are eordliillv Invitee! lo attend I In s'yln review, will prove Inter-es'lng ns i lis enter-liiinlhtf This presentation s'yles will Is on a larger renin than ever In fore. Authentic! ('ill nnd Winter stvles will be modi-led Vsl-b'V women, nmn and rtilMien styles will Include roatiitma for every occasion street, sport, nfti-rboon, dinner nnd evening wciir. Preceding the eitlill.lt of fashion.

A diversified program will be given. M'isle bv A five. piece orchestra ami dimclr.g will enter-tttliilng features Inter In Ihe evening A'tcnd-bilng your friends. WAV' HOftH, OA, Sept. 27 AP) Four pror.s vers kill' nn-l If, Injured when two AtlsnMc 'oa-t Line trains head-on nenr Newark, 'in.

seven nil's 'f Thomssvllle. 'la, st ')' o'clock; this submitted It to Mr. Marsh and l.as sinking of th siihnienti I had to prepare a second d.ument He snt siso deepest svmi aihv rnuth more sensational 'hen the first; to lb families of th'w wlo perl-h-d. before my fakes were taken to the American state department I will tell tC JT) In my next Inatsllrnent. My work as lUReM Omptie s'ternoon.

Three of the ie'l are ne- communist, as a I nlted Ktstes secret ri i f.ia il nrrjsfes Wnra rc-i employe unoer nurn wnen nwwii iti-lm waa with soh fore Mil-hell Palmer erne, ge. HANTS MO.s'lCA. b.dly lorn up snd er.l of th. foiled "tales, erd a ept. 1 Twentyflvs ti-les st the wer- knculied down.

Wire service to Thom I.r:E if. on snort it Ice- Pre. 1. M. I'rVKTEn Bec'r-Treae.

mk ssvllle hs been rut off, lilt efforts are be i nisie to restore service. The enrlr.es of both trm. No from Montgomer" A to 'Ift snd No. IV we-t-bound from Wsvross to TfcmnevlHe, were ill rnollsh-d. bar lo you.

around tho city nf AmeH today 1 lin relelrrstlon of the. first snnlversary (The nt Instsllmert of this amat-'nf the of the army around leg eon-ptrscy, a imf'-ld-d by Jserh llm world flight. The jr were paced by Noeovitskr, the msster spy, will lie t'npiain Iwll If. HmHh, leader of enrrud In The Timts Mondsr, Oc-j the world flight, who bopped off in toner I a mail plane followed et three. rr.ln 'tit* In'ers by ths fhr ship.

A ridden spII of cold weather sf- tlw- ofri. "Open Eveningg All Thit Week." Wayeross, bargage- fer a heat wave msv hare the effect nat results were not espeete The dead. A. Iwlg, msstt r. Dsn Wllllsn, Two negro pas nd It was that nsm that I or causing gaa leakages, owing i ins ufl at- ton rh or to porter.

lenger. 'f jt i -r raw algned lo one of th got contraction of th pip. morrow. rsr. ICS i.

El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.